Chapter 84

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I waited 3 days. 3 days for Shawn to reply. At one point I thought he would never even hear my messages. That's why I was really surprised when I got a message from him.
I immediately opened my phone and saw Shawn's message.
Shawn: "Meet me at the park in 20 minutes." I read.
The first time I read it, I got super excited. I'm finally going to talk to Shawn. I'm finally going to see him and explain what I don't understand.
But I soon realized that that wasn't going to happen. Maybe he just want to see me to make our break up really official. He's maybe going to explain himself and tell me he doesn't want to see me ever again. My heart was beating really fast and I was getting really anxious.
And also, I only had 20 minutes to get ready. Once I realized that, I jumped off of my seat and ran upstairs in my room. I quickly found an outfit and put it on. I was now dressed in a band t-shirt and my favorite skinny jeans. I did my makeup pretty simple, just because I didn't have a lot of time. My hair was a mess but I only had 5 minutes left so I just tied it up in a pony tail.
I ran back downstairs and put on my black converses. I took my bag and ran out the door, making sure a wasn't late at the park.
I walked to the park, my hands shaking. I was so nervous. I haven't seen Shawn for about 2 weeks. I haven't had someone to hold me for 2 weeks. I seriously don't know how u survived to that. I knew I was going to cry immediately when I'll see Shawn. I just knew it. I focused on my breathing to make sure I wouldn't have a panic attack. I breathed in and then out, counting my steps as I walked to relax myself. I had a lot of these weird tricks to calm myself down and they actually did work.
I looked up and saw a body. Shawn's body. My heart stopped.

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