Chapter 133

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I didn't what to do. I was starting to panic and it was harder for me to breath with every second.
Karen opened the door with Manny behind her.
Karen: "Hi guys! We're a little bit early-"
Her smile disappeared when she looked up and saw me, with Aaliyah and Shawn. She stopped moving and didn't say anything, she was just staring at me, not knowing what to do.
Manny: "What's wrong?" He asked from behind her.
He came in the house and closed the door. He looked up and saw me, he looked so confused.
Karen: "Why are you here?" She asked, looking at me.
I didn't know what to reply. I tried talking but nothing came out of my mouth. I didn't know what to do. I was starting to panic and Shawn could definitely see that.
Shawn: "We were just hanging out" he said, probably not knowing what to say either.
Karen: "But- What- Are you guys still dating?" She asked, starting to become mad at the both of us.
Shawn: "Mom, please" he said, getting up from his chair and walking to Karen "Don't be mad"
Karen: "Shawn! I told you that you guys shouldn't be together! Why aren't you listening to me?!"
Shawn: "Because I don't understand why you don't want me to! I love her and she makes me happy. And you're supposed to be happy for me if she makes me happy!"
Karen: "That's not the point!" She said, practically screaming.
Shawn: "Then what's the point?!"
Karen: "Shawn! You're too old for her! It's not okay. There's nothing wrong with Claire, it's just that you should date someone that's your age. That's all"
Shawn: "I don't give a shit about our age, mom. I love her, no matter what. I don't care if you think I'm wrong, because I know it's right!" he practically screamed back at her.

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