Chapter 173

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Me: "Hello? Is everything okay?" I asked, confused.
Mom and dad: "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!!" They screamed at the same time.
Dad: "I hope you are having a great day!!"
Me: "Wh- What?" I asked, very confused.
Mom: "I'm so sorry that we're not able to be with you on your birthday but we love you and we're really proud of you"
Me: "Wh- I-" I looked down at my phone and realized what date we were: June 29th.
Me: "How could I forget this?! What? I'm so confused, I totally forgot!"
Shawn looked at me, very confused. My parents and I just just laughed and we talked for a bit before I hung up.
Shawn: "What's going on?"
Me: "I totally forgot" I replied, chuckling.
Shawn: "Forgot what?"
Me: "Today's June 29"
Shawn: "And...?"
He looked so confused, which made me chuckled.
Me: "It's my birthday"
Shawn: "Wh- What??! You forgot your birthday!?"
Me: "Yeah"
Shawn: "But- We- We have to celebrate that! You're 16!" He said, super excited.
Me: "It's okay, we don't have to-"
Shawn: "Yes! Okay, we're celebrating it tonight with the crew! And then we'll do an other little party when we'll be back home with our families!"
Me: "Calm down" I said, laughing "It's not that important"
Shawn: "Babe! You're 16! How could you forget that?"
Me: "I don't know"
Shawn was so excited about it. I could tell he was happy and I was just so confused. How could I forget that? I just chuckled at how cute he was because he was so excited about it.
We finished eating and went back to the hotel room. We hang
together there, talking and having fun.

Me: "Shawn! We have to leave!" I screamed from inside the bathroom.
He entered the bathroom, looking down at his phone, looking very confused.
Me: "What is it?" I asked when he looked up at me.

Kid In Love - Shawn Mendes Fan Fiction Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora