Chapter 64

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We walked to the kitchen, where my dad was still sitting. He looked up and saw Shawn so he got up and walked to us.
Shawn: "Nice to meet you, sir"
Dad: "Nice to meet you too. I'm David"
Shawn: "I'm Shawn"
They were still shaking hands when I saw Shawn was smiling awkwardly, like he was still nervous, and my dad was just looking at him. He looked like he was looking at every single little details on Shawn's face. My dad was very serious, he didn't seem really happy to meet Shawn. It also looked like he was holding Shawn's hand really tight. Their hands were a little bit white.
After a couple of seconds, their hands separated and we talked a bit before siting down to eat.
Mom: "So, Shawn, what do you like to do? Like, what are your hobbies?" She asked, trying to end the awkward silence. 
Shawn: "Ehm, I like music a lot. I play guitar and sing a bit, but I'm not super good at it, it's just for fun"
Mom: "Oh cooooooll!" She said, way too much enthusiasm "Would you like to give us a little concert one day?"
Shawn: "Yeah, of course" he said, even if I could definitely tell he didn't want to.
Dad: "But what do you want to do in the future, like for your future job?"
Shawn: "I don't really know it yet but what I know is that I want it to be something with music. I've always wanted to work in something that's music related"
Dad: "No but, I mean a real job." He said, sounding really rude.
My eyes went super big. What the fuck? It's not because he's a lawyer that means that the other jobs aren't "real jobs"! Ughh.

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