Chapter 69

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My mouth fell right open. He played amazingly. He played guitar like it was the easiest thing. But when he started singing... I can't even explain it. His voice sounded like an angel. It was very smooth but also kinda harsh. I didn't know that Shawn had so much talent.
He played a beautiful song. He was really concentrated and he was always looking down at his fingers on the guitar.
He finished the song and turned back facing me. My month was opened and my eyes opened wide. I just looked at him without saying anything. I was speechless. He slightly chuckled at my reaction.
Shawn: "How was i-"
Me: "Shawn!" I cut him "That was amazing! How- Why didn't you tell me that you had such a talent! I- Wow."
Shawn chuckled at me and he blushed even more.
Shawn: "Thanks"
Me: "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"
Shawn: "I don't know... I just don't really like to sing in front of people."
Me: "But Shawn! You have so much talent!"
Shawn: "I don't know..." he said, looking down at his fingers.
Me: "You could play at school! You could post some videos on social medias! There's so much ways you could show people your talent. Please, just think about it."
Shawn: "Okay, I'll think about it"
I smiled at him and got closer to peck his lips. I pulled back and started siting back down but I felt Shawn's hand on my arm.
Me: "Wha-"
I looked up and saw Shawn leaning forward me, before placing his lips back on mine. But this time, it wasn't just a peck, he definitely needed more than that.
His reaction made me laugh and we both smiled into the kiss, before going back to making out.

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