Chapter 19

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Shawn and I haven't talked for about a week. We just see each other when I go the Aaliyah's but we don't talk.
I was in my bed, on my phone, when Aaliyah texted me.
Aaliyah: "Hey do you wanna go get ice cream? It's like a billion degrees outside!"
I quickly typed back.
Me: "Yeah sure! Meet me there at 2pm?"
Aaliyah: "Okay!"
It was now noon so I still had the time to take a shower, eat and get ready.
After i ate and took a shower, i went in my closet to chose what i was going to wear. After a billion years, i finally chose my blue ripped jeans shorts and my stripped black and white shirt. I put on my converse and got out of the house.
The only positive point about have parents that don't care about you, is that you can go anywhere at anytime and they won't even ask you about it.
I was now finally arrived at the ice-cream shop, where I saw Aaliyah, siting at a table. I walked towards her and sat down in front.
Aaliyah: "Wow! Only 7 minutes late! I think it's the first time that you arrive that early!"
I'm always late. And all my friends knows that. It's just a part of being friends with me, you have to wait a lot.
We ordered our ice-cream and talked for hours. It's always so fun to be with Aaliyah. We were about to leave when a lady came to our table.
Lady: "Are you Claire?"
Me: "Ehm yeah?" I asked, confused.
Lady: "So you're the one who left Luke!!" She started screaming at me "It's all your fault! You broke him! It was my son, the person I loved the most!!! And you killed him!! I will never EVER forgive you for what you've done!! You're just a lazy ass bitch that-"

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