Chapter 153

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I walked back in my house and took my bags.
Me: "Mooomm? I'm leaving!" I screamed making sure she would hear me.
Mom: "Woah, woah, woah! I'm coming with you to the airport, young lady!" She said, running to me.
My dad followed her behind and we left the house with all my bags.
We all got in my dad's car and Shawn's family went in Manny's car. Once we got to the airport, our families helped with our bags and we walked in. We did all those boring things we needed to do at the airport before we finally got to the place where we needed to get in the airplane.
Mom: "Are you still sure you want to go, darling?" She asked, while Shawn was talking to his family before leaving.
Me: "Yes, mom! I'll survive, I promise"
Mom: "Okay, but if you need anything, you can always call me. I'll always be there"
Dad: "And don't forget to call me every night! We want to make sure you're okay"
I sighed and shook my head slightly, chuckling.
Me: "Okay!"
I hugged both of my parents goodbye and I walked to Shawn's family. I hugged Aaliyah goodbye, after Shawn did the same to his whole family. I could see Karen crying because of how proud she was of Shawn, which melted my heart.
"Byyye!!" We all said in union when Shawn and I walked in the plane.
We both got to our seat and finally sat down, waiting for the plane to fly off.
Shawn: "Are you ready?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.
Me: "Yeah!"
Shawn: "If you ever feel anxious and you feel like your gonna have a panic attack or something, tell me. Okay?"
Me: "Okay"
A woman explained some things before the plane left. She told us everything we needed to know to make sure we would be safe. A little while after, the plane started moving slowly. Shawn took my hand and slightly squeezed it. I looked over at him and smiled, loving how protecting and caring he was.

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