Chapter 124

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I woke up, feeling Shawn's arms wrapped around my waist. I blinked a couple of times and looked up, to see Shawn's cute sleepy face. He was already awake, so he looked down at me and smiled.
Shawn: "Good morning, sleepyhead"
He moved his arms from around me to turn to face me properly.
Me: "Good morning"
Shawn and I cuddle for a good hour in bed, talking about random stuff, until we both found the strength to get up. I was feeling way better than yesterday. I could walk and do all the normal things without my body hurting. My head ache was still there but less than last night.
We got out of bed and Shawn put on a shirt, before we both walked downstairs to the kitchen.
My mom and my dad was siting in the living room, where they saw us walking down the stairs.
Mom: "Good morning Cla- Oh, hi Shawn" she said, realizing I wasn't alone.
Shawn: "Hi" he said with a smile.
Me: "Hi" I said, still very sleepy.
Shawn and I walked closer and my mom saw how disgusting I looked, even more disgusting than in the normal mornings.
Mom: "Claire? Are you okay? Did something happen last night?"
Claire: "No, it's fine. We just went to sleep really late, that's why I look like crap" I lied.
Mom: "Oh, okay" She said and we left the living room to go to the kitchen.
Shawn: "Stop saying that. You don't look like crap" he whispered in my ear when we walked to the kitchen.
I looked up and at him and smiled, probably blushing like no other, like every time Shawn compliments me.
Shawn and I made a simple breakfast and we ate it together, still talking about random stuff and enjoying the presence of one and the other. But what was on my mind was still the party. But I couldn't talk about it in the kitchen because my parents could hear me.
We finished our breakfast and walked back upstairs in my room. Immediately when Shawn closed the door, I asked him.
Me: "So, tell me. What happened at the party?"

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