Chapter 148

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I took Shawn's hand and ran out the door. We both ran downstairs and took our stuff.
Karen: "What are you guys doing?" She asked, confused.
Shawn: "I'll be back before midnight!" He said, before we both ran out the door.
We got in Shawn's car and he immediately started it. We both chuckled and looked at each other, laughing at how weird and too much excited we were.
We got to my house and I ran to the door and opened it.
Me: "Momm??!!" I screamed out, when Shawn got in the house behind me.
We were both out of breath, waiting for my mom's reply.
Mom: "What?" We heard her scream from upstairs.
We ran upstairs, until we reached her, in front of the office.
Me: "Mom!"
Mom: "Woah! What's happening?" She asked, frowning her eyebrows.
Me: "Can I go to LA?"
Mom: "Wha- What?"
Me: "I know it's weird but Shawn has to go to LA and I could go with him. Pleeeeeaaseee?"
Mom: "Woah. I have some questions before"
I sighed, walking downstairs to the living room.

Shawn and I gave all the details to my mom about the trip. That it was professional, with adults, during summer break, ect...
Me: "Soooo...?"
She took a deep breath, looking at Shawn and me.
Mom: "Okay, you can go"
Me: "What!?!" I said, getting up and jumping into my mom's arms.
I hugged her tightly, making Shawn and her chuckle.
Mom: "But don't tell your father. I'll talk to him before, to make sure he's fine with it" she said when we separated.
Me: "Okayyy!! Thaaankss!" I said and sat down beside Shawn.
We smiled at each other and I leaned, pecking his lips.

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