Chapter 161

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It was now 2pm and the boys have been working for the past 5 hours non-stop. It was not the most fun thing for me because I wasn't doing anything and I could tell Shawn was getting really tired. We were all hungry because we didn't even eat breakfast and it was now 2pm. I heard Shawn's stomach make noises and i lightly chuckled and the other guys did the same.
Andrew: "Yeah" he said, also chuckling "I think we're gonna take a little pause to go eat. Isn't that a good idea?"
"Yeah" we heard everyone reply.
Shawn and I walked out of the studio and went to the closest restaurent together.
Me: "So, are you having fun at the studio?"
Shawn: "Yeah! It's going way faster than I thought. And it's hard to work that much but I really like it. I know that that is what I want to do in life"
He was smiling so big. I could tell it was one of the best moment of his life and I was happy to be with him.
Me: "I'm so happy for you" I said, smiling.
Shawn leaned in and pecked my lips. We both smiled in the kiss and leaned back to continue to eat our delicious meal.
Like usual, we fought for who was going to pay the bill when we finished eating.
Me: "Shawn! You paid for me yesterday! I can pay now"
Shawn: "I don't care, I'm paying"
Me: "Shaw-"
Shawn: "I'll take the bill for the both of us" he said when the waiter stopped at our table.
Me: "Shawn" I sighed.
Shawn lightly chuckled and took out his wallet.
Me: "Next time I'm paying. And don't even start. I will"
Shawn just chuckled and paid for both of our meal.
I loved how Shawn always takes care of me and pays for some of my things but I don't like it when he pays everything. I'm old enough to pay my things and I don't want him to use all his money only for me. He's just too nice. Still love him though.

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