Chapter 159

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I met Andrew for the very first time and he was actually really nice. He kept telling us how great full he was for finding Shawn and that he could come to LA with him. We talked for a little bit about what we would do during the days we are here and about the city until Andrew had to go back to his room.  We walked back up to our room and we were both very tired because of our big day and it was getting pretty late.

My alarm on my phone started ringing really loud making both Shawn and I wake up. I turned over and stopped it and than looked over at Shawn. His eyes were still closed and he looked so damn cozy.
Me: "Babe?"
He didn't reply anything, he just hid his face under the pillow.
Me: "Shawn" I said again, chuckling at him "We need to wake up. We're meeting Andrew in a bit to go to the studio"
Shawn: "It's too early" he mumbled on his pillow.
Me: "Aren't you excited to show you new song to Andrew and even maybe start recording it?"
Shawn's head stood right up. He looked at me, like he just realized something.
Shawn: "Oh my god, I forgot we were in Los Angeles. What the fuck, I'm so dumb" he said and starting getting up from the bed.
I chuckled at him and he looked back at me, confused.
Me: "You're so cute when you're confused" I said, still chuckling.
Shawn: "Stop making fun of me" he replied, smiling.
We both got out of bed and started getting ready. Shawn was in the shower when I was changing, putting on black skinny jeans and an oversized but cute shirt. I also did my makeup pretty simple and tied my hair up into a ponytail.
We only had 5 minutes left until we had to meet Andrew downstairs and Shawn wasn't out of the bathroom yet. I walked to the bathroom door and started knocking on it but Shawn didn't reply. It wasn't locked so I slightly opened it, wanting Shawn to hear me. I started talking but quickly stopped when I heard Shawn.

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