Chapter 134

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Karen: "Shawn-" she said, her voice becoming more soft and calm "I understand that you love her. But, it's just- It's just not right..."
Shawn: "I really don't understand what's wrong, mom. You always said that I could do whatever I want, and that if it makes me happy, you'll be happy for me. But why is this different?"
Karen looked at Shawn, without saying anything. She looked behind him, at me and Aaliyah. She didn't look mad anymore. She just looked like she was thinking.
Shawn: "You act so weird when we talk about this subject. What's the problem. Tell me"
She looked down at her fingers and back up at Shawn.
Karen: "Shawn, can I- Can I talk to you in private?"
Shawn: "Why?"
Karen: "Just- Just come with me"
Shawn looked back at me and I just nodded, not knowing what to do. They both walked upstairs, to his room. Manny just smiled at the both of us and left to go to his room, probably not knowing what to do.
We walked into my room and my mom closed the door, making sure no one would hear us.
Me: "Mom, what is it? You're worrying me"
Mom: "It's okay. You don't have to worry. I just- No one knows about this, not even Manny, but I need to tell you."
Me: "What is it?"
She looked down at her fingers, like she was embarrassed.
Me: "Mom-"
Mom: "You know, I really like Claire. She's an amazing girl and she's really sweet and beautiful. It's not her fault. It's just- You guys aren't at the same stage and you shouldn't be this close to one another"
Me: "Mom, you already told me this like a million time. Tell me the real thing you wanted to tell me here"
Mom: "Okay. But I don't want you to get mad and think that I don't trust you or anything."
Me: "Okay...?"
Mom: "So-"

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