Chapter 111

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Shawn: "Oh my god! Claire! I'm so sorry!!" He said, once he realized what happened.
He got closer to me and try to see how bad the burnt area was.
Shawn: "Are you okay?"
I didn't answer anything. I didn't even look at him. He was getting so worried. His voice was slightly shaking.
Shawn: "Claire, please, say something. I'm so sorry, hun'"
I turned back to face him with a huge smile on my face. Shawn looked at me confused, until he realized that I was just joking, he didn't burn me for real. I started laughing at his reaction and he got super relieved.
Shawn: "Oh my god! Claire! I almost had a heart attack!"
Me: "I'm sor- sorry" I tried to say between laughs.
Shawn: "I was so scared!" He said and started chuckling.
Me: "I know, I saw that!" I said, still laughing so hard.
I finished getting ready and Shawn and I went back downstairs, where we ate our supper. We finished and it was time to go to the party. We got out of the house and Shawn drove there. It took about 20 minutes of us dancing and signing in the car until Shawn pulled over to a huge house. We got out of the car and Shawn took my hand and squeezed it, showing me that he was there, protecting me. We walked to the very loud house. There was loud music and a lot of people, minimum 300. I started stressing out but I took deap breaths, trying to keep my scary thoughts away. Shawn stayed by my side when we entered. A few people smiled to Shawn or said hi to him, until we reached the kitchen, where all his friends were.
"Hi!!" They all said in union when they saw Shawn.
Shawn: "Hi!!" He replied to them, with a huge smile on his face.

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