Chapter 92

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Shawn: "So! Did you like it!?" He said, really excited, when the movie ended.
Me: "Yeah!" I lied.
Shawn: "Great! Now, we could make popcorn if you'd like for the second one!" I chuckled at him "What?" He frowned his eyebrows.
Me: "Shawn it's kinda time to eat supper now..."
Shawn: "Oh yeah, you're right. I should probably go eat to-"
Me: "No! Shawn-"
Shawn: "What? What is it, Claire?" He asked, confused.
Me: "Can you stay? I don't wanna eat alone like every single day. Please?" Shawn chuckled at me.
Shawn: "You're so cute. Of course I'll stay, hunny"
Me: "Yayyy!"
Shawn laughed of my excitement and we walked upstairs to the first floor where the kitchen is. My parents weren't supposed to come back until about 9pm, so we had a lot of time together.
After about an hour on deciding what would could eat, Shawn and I were both really hungry and tired.
Me: "Ugh. There's literally nothing in the fridge. I don't know what to do"
Shawn: "You know what? Fuck it. I'm bringing you to the restaurant. Don't even bring your wallet. Let's go" he took my arm and walked to the door.
Me: "Shawn- No! It's gonna cost you too much! We can just find something and-"
Shawn: "No, come on. Let's just call it a date. I have to splurge my girlfriend a little, ya know"
Me: "Shawn-" I chuckled while he gave me kisses all over my face and neck, tickling me.
Me: "Okay. Just let me get my wallet. Gimme a sec" I said and starting running to my room.
Shawn ran after me and grabbed my arm and spun me around before I got there.
Shawn: "Nope, you don't need that" he said, before placing his lips on mine.

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