Chapter 17

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Gabbie was looking at us, she was definitely mad.
Gabbie: "Shawn? Do you mind if we go back to your room?"
Shawn: "Ehm yeah"
Gabbie took Shawn's hand and immediately pulled him upstairs to his room.
Aaliyah: "What the hell was that?" She said once we were alone.
Me: "Calm down. It was just a hug. It's no big deal"
Aaliyah: "Claire! You need to tell me what's going on. You act so differently since the pyjama party! I need to know what happened"
Me: "I already told you! Nothing happened!"
Aaliyah and I looked at each other. We were both getting mad.
I don't want this to end up in a fight. Aaliyah is my best friend. I don't want to loose her because of my dumb feelings for a random guy.
Me: "I'm so s-"
Aaliyah: "Claire" she cut me "You know you can tell me everything right?" I nodded "Listen, I- I just want to help you. This morning when you entered my room, you looked so sad, but afraid and scared at the same time. I wanted to make you change your mind by playing with Shawn and Gabbie, but it definitely didn't work. Tell me. Claire, I won't judge you. I'm your best friend. Forever."
Tears were starting to grow in my eyes. I wanted to tell her so bad.
Aaliyah: "Is it because of Luke? Listen it's not your fault-"
Me: "No." i cut her "It's not him"
Aaliyah: "Then who is it?"
I looked down, feeling embarrassed.
Me: "It's Shawn."
Aaliyah: "Did he do anything to you?? I swear if he-"
Claire: "No no no. He didn't do anything. It's just-" a tear fell down my cheek "I think I'm getting feelings for him. I know it's so bad. I know he has a girlfriend. I know I'm too young. I don't know what to do. How did I get feelings so fast? We just had so much fun! And the way he looked at me... I don't know. I need to get him out of my head."

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