Chapter 46

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Gabbie and I left the house to go back to mine. We both got in my car and I started to drive. It was kind of awkward because we both didn't really know what to say or talk about.
Me: "Gabbie?"
Gabbie: "Hm?" She said, turning her face so she was facing me.
Me: "Why- Why are you so nice now? I mean like- I get that you were mad at me and Claire but, why are you so nice with us, now?"
Gabbie: "Shawn, I'm sorry for being a bitch when you broke up. But that really broke my heart... I loved you Shawn... so damn much"
I stayed quiet, looking at the road, I didn't know what to reply to that.
Gabbie: "But i know that you don't love me anymore, you love Claire. And I'm happy to see you two happy together. I tried to move on. I tried to do stuff with other guys but... it's hard. It's hard not to think about you, especially when your mom still thinks we're together. Please, tell her. I don't want to be the one that's telling her"
Me: "Yeah, I'll tell her"
Gabbie: "Thanks. So yeah, I'm trying to move on. And I'm trying to be nice. I don't want to ruin you life because I'm selfish. I'm sorry if I wasn't good enough"
Me: "Gabbie... Don't say that..."
Gabbie: "It's okay. I know I wasn't good enough and that's why you dumbed me for her. She's way better."
I felt bad for her. I actually hurt her... really bad.
Me: "Listen Gabbie... I didn't break up because you were not good enough, or because you did something wrong or anything else. You're actually an amazing person and i loved you. It wasn't your fault"
Gabbie: "Then why?!" She practically yelled.
Me: "I just- i fell in love with someone new. I'm sorry Gabbie. I didn't mean to hurt you. It just... happened."
Gabbie didn't answer. She just looked down at her fingers. I parked at my house and got out of the house and Gabbie did the same.
Me: "Thanks for keeping this a secret" I whispered before getting in the house.

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