Chapter 176

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We ate with the crew at the restaurant and we had a lot of fun. They are all so nice and so fun to hang out with. The supper was delicious and everything was just perfect.
Me: "Hey" I whispered, making Shawn look down at me "Are you okay? You look so nervous"
Shawn: "Yeah, don't worry" he whispered back.
I could tell he was lying. There was something on his mind that was stressing him out but I didn't know what it was.
I tried to not really think about it for the rest of the supper and we just continued talking and having fun. We were all finished eating but we were still talking, not worrying about the time. At one point Shawn made everyone stopped talking because he wanted to tell us all something.
Me: "So, today's a very special day" he started, smiling down at me "It's Claire's 16th birthday"
My cheeks became bright red as everyone clapped their hands and wished me a happy birthday. I thanked them and Shawn continued.
Shawn: "I didn't have a lot of time for this because I literally found out about it this morning because Claire completely forgot about her birthday" he said, chuckling "But Andrew helped me and we have a little surprise for you"
I looked at him very confused, not knowing there was anything planed.
Me: "Wha-"
Shawn: "Wait here. I'll be back" he said and walked somewhere I couldn't see him.
I looked at the crew, very confused and they were all smiling. They were lightly chuckling at my reaction as Andrew whispered.
Andrew: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like the surprise"
I smiled back at him and turned around because I heard phootsteps coming. We were practically alone in the restaurant so there weren't a lot of noises.
I turned my head and saw Shawn, with both of my parents, holding a beautiful birthday cake.
My mouth fell opened as a placed my hand on top of it. They were all smiling as I got up and ran into their arms. Shawn took the cake as I hugged both of my parents.
Me: "Wha- What are you doing here? I thought we wouldn't be able to see each other today! That's what you told me on the phone!"
Mom: "Yeah, but Shawn got us plane ticket and we literally arrived here 10 minutes ago" she replied, chuckled.
Me: "Oh my god, I'm so happy to see you" I said, hugging them again.

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