Chapter 118

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I woke up, my body feeling like it was a thousand pound heavier than usual. I slightly opened my eyes, to a black room. I could only see I was lying in bed, with someone next to me. I tried to look over but my body was hurting so much that it took all my strength just to look to my side. I realized it was just Shawn, so it was fine. I looked around and recognized my bedroom.
My mouth was so dry, my body was so heavy, I couldn't even get up. What did I do to make my body this weak? I tried to think of last night, trying to remember what happened.
Thats when I started realizing. The party. The beer. Never have I ever. The vodka shots. Fuck, what did I do?! I only remembered the first part of the party, when we were all having fun and drinking a little too much.
I took all the strength of my body to turn it on the side so that I was facing Shawn. I looked over to him, that was still sleeping, looking down at his body that was half naked. He was only wearing his underwear, with no pants or shirt on. I got kinda confused and I looked down at my body, realizing I was only wearing my underwear too.
That's when everything, well most of it, came back to my mind.
When Shawn got a boner, when I brought him to the bathroom, when I was way too drunk to think of my actions, when we started making out, when his hands were all over the body, when-  Shit. What happened next? Did we do it? Did we have sex when I was completely drunk? Did I loose my virginity when I wasn't even ready? Is that called a rape? Oh my god.
Tears started going down my face, and my breathing was getting faster and faster.
Oh shit. Protection. I didn't have anything on me. Did Shawn had? Oh no. I also totally forgot about my pill. Oh my god. No. I can't take this anymore. What the fuck did I do?!!

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