Chapter 120

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I looked down at the pregnancy test, praying it would be negative. I saw it, but my vision was too blurry. I wiped my tears away and looked back at it.
Positive. It was positive. No, this can't be real. This isn't true. No.
I grabbed the second pregnancy test and did the exact same steps, making sure I was doing them perfectly. I waited an other five minutes and looked down at it.
Positive. Again.
This can't be real. I'm 15! I'm not a virgin anymore, and I can't even remember how I lost it! Did Shawn take advantage of me? Did he knew how drunk I was? I can't remember anything from that night!
Oh no, what if Shawn gets mad? What if he leaves me? It's all my fault! Why did I drink this much?! But wait, Shawn can't do this to me. He's way too nice and he'll understand me. He's not gonna leave me with his baby. Is he?
I heard three knocks on the door, and that's when I realized I didn't lock it. It slightly opened, and I saw Shawn.
Shawn: "Claire? What are you-"
He saw me, siting on the floor, crying and sobbing. My hands were hiding my face because my eyes were red and puffy because of all the crying. I looked up and Shawn, that was walking towards me. He stopped walking when he saw the two pregnancy tests on the counter. He looked at them, very confused.
Shawn: "Claire, are you- Are you pregnant?"
I looked up at Shawn, that was still looking at the tests, trying to understand.
Me: "Yes" I said, in a very low whisper.
Shawn: "What?!" He said, looking down at me.
He looked so angry, I was so scared of his reaction.
Me: "I'm so sorry. Shawn, I-"
Shawn threw the tests back on the counter and walked out of the room. I immediately tried to get up, to chase him.
Me: "Shawn! Shawn?! Shawn-" I screamed.

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