Chapter 119

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Fuck. Can I be pregnant? Is that even possible? Tears were going down my face. My breathing was getting faster and faster. I was starting to get a heart attack.
I took all my strength to get up, out of bed, without waking up Shawn. I put on sweatpants and a random shirt, wiped my tears away and walked down the stairs. I put on some old used converse and I walked out of the house. I walked, also ran to the nearest drugstore, grabbing 3 pregnancy tests and paid for them.
I could see all the people judging me. A young teenager, looking horrible because she's hangover buying 3 pregnancy tests in a rush. To be honest I didn't really care, I just wanted to know, am I pregnant or not?
I rushed back to my house, bringing the tests to the bathroom. I read the directions and did every single steps making sure I was doing it right.
I had to wait 5 minutes. Five whole minutes, before I knew if I lost my virginity too drunk to even remember, and if we used protection for not.
I can't be. This can't happen. I can't be pregnant at 15 years old? My parents would literally kill me. And what about Shawn's parents?! Oh my god.
Tears were still going down my face and I was sobbing. I was siting on the floor, in my bathroom, my hand hiding my face.
I looked over to my phone, 10 seconds left. I got up on my feet, looking at myself in the mirror. I took two deep breaths, putting myself together. I looked down at the pregnancy test, wiping my tears away.

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