Chapter 41

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Shawn and I watched two movies. We then decided to talk. It's so easy to be with Shawn. The conversations are always about random stuff but it's always fun and interesting.
Me: "Shawn..." I looked down "I'm scared"
Shawn: "Aaw Claire" he got closer and took my hands in his "What are you scared of?"
Me: "Theres already a lot of people that knows about us. We were supposed to keep this a secret. But now, my sister knows, and maybe Karen or Aaliyah knows. I'm scared that my sister tells my parents. Or that yours don't want you to see my anymore..."
Shawn: "Claire..." he replied immediately "I know it's scary, but well get through this. We'll work this out. I promise"
Me: "But what if we can't work this out?" I asked, sounding ruder that how I wanted to sound.
Shawn looked at me, shocked by what I just said.
Shawn: "Claire... please don't leave me. I need you. I need us. I don't know where i would be without you. I love you Claire. I-"
My face lighted up. I looked at Shawn with a huge smile on my face. He looked at me, confused.
Shawn: "What? Why are you looking at me like this?"
Me: "I- We- You- You said... "I love you"..."
Shawn: "Of course I said it. Claire, I knew loved you since the first day we met. You're my everything. I really wanna work this out. I wanna be with you. I really do. I love you Claire, so much"
I was speechless.
Me: "Shawn, I- I love you too" I said, my cheeks becoming red.
We both leaned in, until or lips finally touched. Shawn placed his hands on both sides of my face and I got even closer.
I placed my knee on the other side of his body so I was now straddling him. Shawn placed his hands on my waist and I placed mine in his hair. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and we started making out.

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